Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bump in the road

So, I hit my first bump in the road...figuratively. I got up at 6:30 am Sunday morning to go run 10 miles with my dad. At mile 2, my left knee started killing me as it had for a few miles of my half marathon. But this time, it was much worse. It felt like someone was stabbing the inside of me knee with a knife as I was running. Then, because I was trying to compensate by running a little bit differently(and very awkwardly), my hip started to hurt. This was becoming a very bad situation very quickly.

So, I had no choice. I had to cut my run (and my dad's run) short at 4.5 miles. I felt like crap because I have never had to cut a run short before. I know I am going have to see a sports medicine specialist about this and, hnestly, I am kind of freaking out. I am crossing my fingers that this knee issue is just a one (or two) time occurence that maybe only happens when I run in the mornings since my body isn't loose yet. If anyone knows of a good sports medicine doctor down in SoFla, please let me know! I really don't want to have to resort to the yellow pages.

In the meantime, I will continue to train on the eliptical and the treadmill and see what happens when I try to run outdoors in the afternoon as opposed to the morning. Have a fnatastuc Thanksgiving! I am off to Berkeley to visit my brother, and will be back Sunday!