Friday, December 11, 2009

Run Danny Run!

So, yesterday, I had so much fun running with Danny! We are going to try to run together every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Aside from almost getting run over by a car and running in pitch black through Sunshine Ranches, the run was fun and successful.

We ran 4 miles at a pretty quick pace and my foot didn't hurt one bit. And although Danny is almost double my height, we stayed at the same pace the whole way. I love finding good running partners. Yay!

In other news, Happy Hannukah everyone! Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Pain Pain Go Away!

My foot pain has subsided...yay! My foot is taped and I have been taking my meds and wearing my splint to bed, and I am pain-free...for now. I ran 4 miles yesterday on the treadmill and at an incline, and had no pain during or after my run. Very good news!

My next appointment is on the 16th and the doctor will let me know if all my swelling is gone. (He uses an ultrasound to do that!)

I'm just glad I am semi-normal once again and can walk without feeling pain. Four miles with Danny tonight, woohoo and 10 miles with Ryan on Sunday!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Hey injuries, leave me alone!

I have plantar fasciitis. Doctor taped my foot and prescribed medication. I have a splint to wear to bed now. If everything goes as planned, I will be healed in about a week. I can continue to run and cross train, which is great. I'm just not allowed to run super long distances, like my 18 mile run this Sunday, or wear flip flops or any other flat shoes.

Also, next week he will be making me orthotics (shoe inserts that mold to my feet) to help with ankle, knee and back pain. Thank goodness, because I'm starting to feel like an 80 year old woman with arthritis.

So, the good news is that the marathon is still on! Yay!

Monday, December 7, 2009

What a weekend!

This weekend was about the busiest weekend I've had in years. Check it out:

-9:00 pm - Cousin Jeff and girlfriend Jessica arrive from NY
-7:30 am - wake up for work
-8:00 pm - Holiday party
-11:30 pm - bed
-5:30 am - wake up to run 15.5 miles with dad
-12:15 pm - go watch the Gator game at Old key Lime House in West Palm
-8:30 pm - meet family for dinner at Cheesecake Factory
-11:00 pm - bed
-8:45 am - wake up at to go to parents' house
-11:00 am - go to Dolphins game
-5:30 pm - parents house for dinner
-10:00 pm - bed

Good news is that I ran 15.5 miles and the Dolphins won. Bad news is that I think I have a bone spur in my heel or may even have plantar fasciitis. Shit shit shit. I'm going to a sports medicine podiatrist tomorrow morning to have it checked out.