Friday, October 9, 2009

Torturous Heat!

“Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.” – Lance Armstrong

Isn't that a great quote? It was in a newsletter I received and thought it was awesome.

I am never running in the morning ever again. It heat was torturous and unbearable. I managed to make it for the entire 4 miles, but it was much harder than usual, when I run in the evening. Not only was it hot, but I didn't have any energy in me since I hadn't eaten yet. All in all...running in the mornings is a terrible idea for me.

My last thought...GO GATORS!

"Astronomy for $400, Alex."

Jeopardy is great. Period.

You can learn so much in just a half hour about really random things, like mythical characters, words ending in two consonants, and astronomy! And it makes the workout go by so much faster. Forty minutes on the eliptical, between levels 8 and 12, went by super quickly!

Then, I walked over to the free weights area of the gym (aka scary part of gym where huge muscley men hang out). I picked up my 10's, and stood in front of the mirror while the guys around me were pumping 50's. (Oh well, I bet THEY can't run 9 miles, though. There muscles would weigh them down!) I thought that after the million reps I did yesterday, I'd be sore today. But I'm not! That is a good sign! I'm getting stronger, woo!

Anywho, don't forget to check out my fundraising page. I'm up to almost $400! Thanks to everyone who has donated!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fast as the speed of light!

So, according to Ryan, I am getting faster!! We ran 4 miles yesterday, and I swear it took us less time to run the 4 miles than it did to walk half a mile back to my apartment after the run.

I notice I can speed up for a few minutes during the run and not be exhausted after. I was also able to sprint the last strecth of the run after running at a really good pace the whole way.

Yay for "Work my ass off" plan and improving!! It's great when you can actually see/feel your improvement.

As a side note: last night I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, but substituted a stick of butter with one cup of applesauce and substituted one egg with 1/4 cup of egg beaters. The cookies taste awesome and are like 1/4 of the calories and fat. Try it!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's news to me!

So, the gym just hooked up these little boxes to the eliptical machines so that you can plug your headphones in and listen to the TVs in front of you! This is so awesome because now while I workout, I can check out whats going on in the world from the three Tvs in front of me. We've got BBC News, NBS local news, and CNN! I now know about the possibility of sending 40,000 more troops into Afghanistan, that the Pakistani prime minister, indeed, has no idea where Bin Laden is hiding, that the Netherlands has a lot of really old people, and that yet another political head has cheated on his wife (what a surprise).

You see, kids, working out can be healthy AND informative!

On another note, my doctor called and said my bloodwork showed I'm healthy, but my cholestorol has gone up, although it is still in normal range. I don't believe it for a second because he told me this once before and when I went back like a month later, it had gone back down to being where it had been, around 150. Plus, it would make total sense that on the Monday I get back from vacation, my bloodwork shows a higher cholesterol number. In Orlando, I drank, ate pizza, ate fried crap, etc. Also, i seriously doubt that my cholestorol would have gone up 50 points in like a year. So, Doctor G., I think you are wrong, sir.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rainy rain go away

So after being poured on twice yesterday, I couldn't work up the energy to leave the apartment and get drenched again. I didn't go to the gym, but I did my 40 minute bedroom floor workout. Fun, huh?

The good thing is that I worked really hard and the soreness will probably kick in later tonight.

In other news, I got another donation and am super excited! Whenever I get an email saying someone just donated, I do a dance (in my mind). Lol.

Monday, October 5, 2009

No Sweat. Only 9 miles.

Yesterday's run was amazing.

Distance covered: 9 miles
Gallons of sweat lost: about 5
Percentgae of distance walked: ZERO!!!
Distance I sprinted at the end: 1/2 mile!!

I can't believe it, but I ran 9 miles without stopping/walking once! This is by far my best day of training yet. I felt great while I was running AND I somehow had the energy to sprint for the last half mile. Thanks to my dad for running with me, too!

That's all I have to say about that :)