Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Help cure Crohn's and Colitis!

Dear Friends,

Since August of last year, I have been running with my dad to train for my first half marathon, followed by my first marathon and now, my second half marathon. I’m sure you’re wondering, “Why is Rachel telling me this?” Well, a few months into my training, I decided that I was going to run for a cause, and now I'm asking for your help.

In 2006, my brother Daniel was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, an auto-immune disease that attacks the digestive system, causing severe abdominal pain and intestinal complications; there is currently no cure for Crohn's. I am running to raise awareness for Crohn's and to help raise money for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA). By funding research, CCFA aims to find a cure for this terrible disease that affects 1.4 million Americans and their families.

To honor my brother, I am traveling to Napa Valley this summer to run a half marathon. My goal in running the race on July 18th is to raise $4,000 for CCFA in hopes of finding a cure for Crohn's. I am hopeful that by reaching out to you, I will come a little bit closer to achieving my goal. I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter, and my family and I are grateful for a donation of any amount. To donate online, simply visit

Warm regards,
Rachel Kramer

P.S. – You can follow me at to keep up-to-date with my fundraising efforts and marathon training!

"There is an underappreciated truth about disease: it will harm you even if you never get it. Disease reverberates outward, and if the illness gets big enough it brushes everyone."
- N.R.Kleinfield