Friday, October 30, 2009

Striving for distance

Why is sprinting so hard!? Yesterday I sprinted as much as possible for 2 miles, then cooled down with about a half mile of jogging. I was exhausted. I am definitely built more for distance than speed. Or maybe it's just that I've always strived to run farther more so than I have strived to run faster. I don't know which is more rewarding...running one more mile or shortening a 4 mile run by a minute. So for now, I will continue to try to do both!

Have a safe, happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Although my legs were stff and sore yesterday, I knew I needed to do some light exercise. I recruited Lexi, once again, and we jogged 3.5 miles at a nice, steady pace.

But, oops, now I'm even more sore than I was yesterday. Dammit.

That's all I have to report for now, kiddos. Have a happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Only 15 more miles...

This weekend was drama-filled and fabulous! Going to Gainesville never fails to provide me with the most drama I will need for an entire year. I had a great time though, and thanks to all my Phi Siggers for reading my blog and asking me about my training! It means so much to me that you guys care enough about an old, worn-out alumna to actually read my blog :)

Anywho, I did my best to be good at campout and not get drunk. I succeeded, while still having a ton of fun. I knew if I drank, I'd feel crappy on Sunday for my run. So, I didn't drink and my run was great (well, ok great is a very subjective word)!

I am extemely achey today and feel like an old grandma probably feels every day of her life. But, the good news is (as my dad put it at about mile 10 of our 11 miles)..."After this run, only 15 more miles and we'd be done with our marathon." Thanks, dad. Always so helpful.

And guess what...we get to take a break this coming weekend...only 8 miles. Woo! Eight seems like nothing now!

PS - Go Gators!