Friday, October 2, 2009

Not as young (or fast!) as I used to be

So, last night I challenegd myself to run 2 miles as fast as possible. Well, I don't know what I was exepecting, but I do know that I'm definitely not as fast as I used to be when I was sprinting on a regular basis at soccer practices and soccer games...not to mention running track.

When I was in 10th grade, I could run 2 miles in under 15 minutes. Now, it's closer to 16 minutes. Yea, yea, you're thinking "Who cares, that's only one minute difference." But really, an additional 30 seconds per mile is kinda crappy. Especially when taking into consideration that I ran 4 miles at 8.5 minutes each. That means that when I double my mileage from 2 to 4, I am only slower by 30 seconds a mile. Actually, I guess that is a positive way to look at it!

Because I was not too impressed with myself, I did some sprint work in front of the apartment. Aside from my neighbors staring at me like I was nuts, I felt pretty good about my sprinting, considering I had just finished a two mile fast-paced run.

Also, I am happy to report that I have already raised $250 for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation in just a couple days! I can't wait to reach my goal!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My nagging paid off!

It's official. My dad just told me he will run the Miami Marathon with me! After about 2 months of trying to convince him, he finally gave in! Great success. He might be in his mid 50's, but he could outrun me any day, and probably most other people too. I'm just really glad I have a partner to run with now, and I'm really glad it's my dad because he's been the one who has encorugaed me to run further and further since I was 13 years old.

In other exciting news, I have decided to run the Ft. Lauderdale Mini Marathon on November 15. Thanks to Roger for bringing it to my attention! It just happens to fall on the weekend that I'm due to run 14 miles, so it's great timing. Anyone interested in running it with me (and my dad, if he isn't out of town)? It's only 13.1 miles, and it's right along Ft. Lauderdale Beach.

In other not quite as exciting news, but still right up there, I clocked my 4 mile run yesterday, and me and Ryan came in at about 34 minutes, putting us at about 8.5 minute miles...not too shabby, I'd say. This will be my starting point, and I plan to improve my time with each 4 mile run.

Also, I am very proud to announce that I got my first donation to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America! I am so pumped about raising money for this amazing cause. Check out my fundraising site to help me reach my goal of $5,000!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Running for Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis

Good evening everyone,

First of all, yes, I had a tough "kick my ass" workout tonight at the gym. Forty minutes of eliptical, up to level 13 today, and then 30 minutes of arms and abs.

Secondly, and very importantly, I have recently decided to run for a cause. I am running to raise awareness of Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis. These are digestive diseases that currently affects 1.4 million Americans, including my 26-year-old brother Daniel who sufferes from Crohn's. For the rest of his life, unless a cure is found, he will suffer from severe stomach pain and will have to take medication every single day. If he skips a day of his medicine, it is pretty much guaranteed he will be in pain the following day.

I am hoping to 1) raise awareness of the diseases because so many people don't even know they exist. I didn't have any clue before Daniel was diagnosed. I am also hoping to 2) raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. This foundation conducts research on Crohn's disease and Ulcerative Colitis in an effort to find a cure as well as the causes of the disease. Clinical research also determines which medical and surgical options work best for patients.

Please help me to not only find a cure for my brother and others suffering from Crohn's and Ulcerative Colitis, but to also help find the causes of the diseases so they don't continue to affect people all over the world.
Check out my fundraising website to see how you can help. I greatly appreciate any and all donations. Even a small donation goes a long way towards my $5,000 goal.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Hopefully you have learned a little bit about Crohn's and colitis just from this!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Too Hungry to write much

Disclaimer: I am very very hungry right now. If I make typos, my hunger is to blame. Only about an hour to go though!

Ok, so yesterday, my long run was only 5 miles, which I was forced to do on the treadmill in the gym. I didn't wake up early enough to run outside without it being scorching hot, and I had to start my fast at 7 last night. So, gym it was!

Actually, it wasn't too bad. I put the treadmill on a 1.0 incline, and it was actually a pretty tough run, averaging 5.5 mph. It was nice getting to watch the Jets and the Yankees play on the two TVs in front of me.

While the gym is because of the TVs and the AC, I definitely would prefer to run outside. Two months ago if yopu had asked me, I would have said the gym is better. It's funny how you get accustomed so quickly to a new environment and don't want to change.

That's it for me. I am too hungry to write more. To all my Jews: I hope you had an easy fast and Good Yuntif.