Friday, October 16, 2009

Sprinting time

Hello all!

So, yesterday was my sprint day. I decided to run 2 miles, sprinting as much as possible. It was pretty hard just because my body isn't used to that. I am used to a pretty steady pace. So, I'd say I sprinted about 50% of the time, which I considered to be decent. It was super hard to breathe after, and my heart rate was off the charts, I'm sure. I felt good afterwards, though!

Fundraising is going well! Still hoping to get lots more donations! If you have a few extra bucks, please help me reach my goal!

No workout for me today...I'm off to Tampa with Ryan tonight. Hopefully we will be able to get a run in on Sunday on the beach. Have a great weekend, everyone!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pumped and Positive!

I am very excited to say that I cut one minute off of my 4-mile time. I am now down to 33 minutes, which is 8:15 miles! I was so happy when I finished running (even though I was exhausted and quite sweaty) and looked down at my watch to see my time. What a great feeling!

I can't wait to run the 5k this Halloween. About a year and a half ago I ran the Phi Sig TFA 5k up in Gainesville in about 28 minutes, if I remember correctly. (And I thought I was in good shape then, boy was I mistaken.) I never imagined I'd be able to run it so much faster. I am pretty sure I will be able to run it now in about 23 minutes. That would mean cutting 5 minutes off my time from the last 5k. I will be so happy with myself if I can do that!

So, today, I'm feeling pumped and positive! But honestly, I'm really not looking forward to running 10 miles without a running buddy this Monday. Anyone want to join me? Please? :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wear a damn bra!

OK, I am proud to say that I made it up to a Level 15 on the eliptical last night. Let's ignore the fact that it was for about a minute and concentrate on the fact that I actually did it! And, I still had the energy after to keep going at a Level 11 for about 20 more minutes.

On another note, I have to ask...what women in her right mind doesn't wear a bra (of any sort) to the gym!? Yes, that's right. I saw a braless woman at the gym wearing a skimpy little spaghetti strap shirt. That's not ok! And THEN I saw something even worse. A girl around maybe 17, on the heftier side, thought it was a smart idea to roll up her t-shirt and tuck it up under itself so that her belly (from boobs down to spandex wasitline) was exposed. Then she did ab work. NOT OK!

People need to learn proper dress etiquette for the gym. It is just not fair to make the others at the gym suffer. I will help everyone learn.

I think if all women followed these 3 simple rules, everyone at the gym could enjoy their workout:

1) If you MUST wear spandex, at least have a good body and be sure the spandex is a very dark color.
2) ALWAYS wear a bra (sports bra preferably)
3) ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS wear underwear!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chugging along and making progress

After a great weekend with my friends from Australia, it was back to the pavement (aka treadmill) yesterday evening. There was no way I could have run on Sunday after the beach because I was way too tired. Plus, I had like 5 people in my apartment and I wasn't about to be like "Hey guys, peace out, I'm gonna go running for an hour now."

So, yesterday, I made the executive decision to run my 6 mile run in the gym as opposed to running in the morning or mid-day because I'm 99% sure that If I did, I would have passed out from heat stroke in the 100 degree weather. So, the gym wasn't bad. I put the treadmill on an incline and ran my little heart out. It's just sooo boring to run so far on a treadmill, even though I had the TVs and my iPod to distract me. I guess I'm being spoiled my my dad and Ryan, since I get to run with them at least once a week each.

I did manage to run the 6 miles in about an hour, which isn't bad at all (in my opinion, at least). If I can run the half marathon in 2 hours and 15 minutes, I'll be a happy camper. I know I can do that!

Also, I am going to be running a 5k with my friend Jessi and her dad on Halloween morning. Anyone want to join us for a short little 3ish mile run?