Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chugging along and making progress

After a great weekend with my friends from Australia, it was back to the pavement (aka treadmill) yesterday evening. There was no way I could have run on Sunday after the beach because I was way too tired. Plus, I had like 5 people in my apartment and I wasn't about to be like "Hey guys, peace out, I'm gonna go running for an hour now."

So, yesterday, I made the executive decision to run my 6 mile run in the gym as opposed to running in the morning or mid-day because I'm 99% sure that If I did, I would have passed out from heat stroke in the 100 degree weather. So, the gym wasn't bad. I put the treadmill on an incline and ran my little heart out. It's just sooo boring to run so far on a treadmill, even though I had the TVs and my iPod to distract me. I guess I'm being spoiled my my dad and Ryan, since I get to run with them at least once a week each.

I did manage to run the 6 miles in about an hour, which isn't bad at all (in my opinion, at least). If I can run the half marathon in 2 hours and 15 minutes, I'll be a happy camper. I know I can do that!

Also, I am going to be running a 5k with my friend Jessi and her dad on Halloween morning. Anyone want to join us for a short little 3ish mile run?

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