Thursday, September 17, 2009

Food Food Food

Pretty much everything in this post has something to do with food. Enjoy, all you foodies!

So, yesterday was a fun 3 mile-ish run through the lovely town of old peoeple, restaurants and retail stores a.k.a Boynton Beach. This brings us to our first problem: Ryan lives amongst a swarm of restaurants that all happen to emit yummy, mouth-watering smells. It's like a test of our will power to run past Five Guys, Bonefish, Chipotle, Village Tavern, etc. But we did it! Of course we rewarded ourselves with Pei Wei after, which is a healthier choice than most of the places we past. Go us!

Other highlights of the run include me pushing Ryan into light poles for fun, sprinting around corners, and running for about 1/4 mile through loosely packed sand that was on the road for some unknown reason (construction, maybe?). Also, I never knew that any one neighborhood could have about 10 gazebos and 15 pools.

Right now, as I am sitting in my sweaty exercise clothes, I am watching "27 Dresses" to relax from my 4 mile jog and workout. Nothing too exciting to report about my run, except that I am starting to run faster than I ever have before. It's really cool knowing that I probably just ran my fastest 4 miles ever. I'm actually super suprised I was able to drag myself out to run after stuffing myself with my weight's worth of food at Sweet Tomatoes for lunch. I felt full until about 6 pm. For this, I blame Marc. He just HAD to ask me if I was getting ice cream. Oh well, at least I felt good enough to go for a run and burn those calories off (or at least like 1/10 of them).

That's all to report for now. No run for me tomorrow. It's Rosh Hashonah and I've gotta go straight to my parents' house for dinner. Happy New Year to all you Jews :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A bunch of corny "thank yous" and goggle frustration

Real quick, thank you Lexi for running half my run with me on Monday!! It's always so much easier to run with a partner than it is to run alone. That being said, if you live in the area and are ever in the mood for a run, give me a call or shoot me a message! Even if you just want to run a mile or two with me :)

So anywho, if you are wondering where I got this crazy idea to run a marathon, I will tell you exactly who's to blame. Thanks, Melissa for putting the idea in my head that running a marathon would be a good idea and thanks, Kristen Lee for telling me all I need to know about lactic acid and the after effects of a running a marathon. Oh, and if my dad wasn't always asking me when I finished a run "How far did ya go?", I may have never strived to go further. It was always really annoying that he did that, but ok ok, maybe it kinda worked in my favor. Oh, and thanks to Rachel, of course, for writing her awesome blog that I follow daily and for inspiring me to write this blog!

I have decided that my favorite day on my training schedule is the day after I do my long run because I get to do any type of cross training that I want, whether it be getting on the bike or eliptical (if I feel like going to the gym) or going for a swim in the pool, which seemed much more appealing to me last night than moving my legs on a stationary machine while I watch the news without sound and have the pleasure of staring at sweaty, spandex-wearing people.

So, 22 laps (in a non-olympic sized pool) later, I felt good, not to mention wet and cold. Why did the weather suddenly decide to start getting cooler the day I go for a dip in the pool? Also, why is it impossible to keep water out of my goggles!? Any suggestions? After every lap, I had to dump the couple drops of water out of them. So frustrating!

I also did some more squats, ab, and arm exercises when I got home, which seemed to be much easier the second go-round. I am really starting to get into these little bedroom floor and chair workouts!

Sore and achey rating today on a a scale of1-10: I'll say 2. Yesterday was about a 7. So, feeling much better!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sore and feeling great!

Hello all!

This is my marathon training blog that i will use to document the ups and downs of my training. I am about a month and a half into it, and so far it's going pretty well. The actual run takes place in Miami on January 31st. That means I have 138 days to get from where I am now (7 miles) to where I need to be (26.2 miles). It's gonna be tough, but isn't that the point? That's the whole reason I took on this challenge...I wanted something to strive for, a new goal, a new adventure.

So, jumping right into it...

While there is no better feeling than finishing a run that i didn't think I'd ever be able to finish, it comes with a single consequence - feeling sore and achey the following day. On this particular day, my muscles are extremely fatigued, and for this I blame Ryan.

I'm sure all of South Florida noticed the pseudo hurricane that swept through the area Sunday evening. So, instead of going on my long run, Ryan put me through an intensive leg, arm, and ab workout, which we did on the floor of my bedroom. No, I am not talking about fooling around...I am talking about a ridiculous amount of squats, leg lifts, crunches, and some interesting lower body and arm exercises using just your arms to lift yourself off a chair.

So, not only am I feeling fatigued from my run, but I am also experiencing the lingering effects of this hour-long traumatizing workout.


I feel great, too. Never did I think I could run 7 miles. But I did it. Two weeks in a row now. It's kind of a rush, both during and after my run. More so after - when i know I just completed a difficult task of running a distance that, a few months ago, I never even considered running.

These next few months will test me, this whole marathon running mission will test my character, my stamina, my mind, and my body. I am ready for it. So, come on martahon, let's see what ya got.