Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A bunch of corny "thank yous" and goggle frustration

Real quick, thank you Lexi for running half my run with me on Monday!! It's always so much easier to run with a partner than it is to run alone. That being said, if you live in the area and are ever in the mood for a run, give me a call or shoot me a message! Even if you just want to run a mile or two with me :)

So anywho, if you are wondering where I got this crazy idea to run a marathon, I will tell you exactly who's to blame. Thanks, Melissa for putting the idea in my head that running a marathon would be a good idea and thanks, Kristen Lee for telling me all I need to know about lactic acid and the after effects of a running a marathon. Oh, and if my dad wasn't always asking me when I finished a run "How far did ya go?", I may have never strived to go further. It was always really annoying that he did that, but ok ok, maybe it kinda worked in my favor. Oh, and thanks to Rachel, of course, for writing her awesome blog that I follow daily and for inspiring me to write this blog!

I have decided that my favorite day on my training schedule is the day after I do my long run because I get to do any type of cross training that I want, whether it be getting on the bike or eliptical (if I feel like going to the gym) or going for a swim in the pool, which seemed much more appealing to me last night than moving my legs on a stationary machine while I watch the news without sound and have the pleasure of staring at sweaty, spandex-wearing people.

So, 22 laps (in a non-olympic sized pool) later, I felt good, not to mention wet and cold. Why did the weather suddenly decide to start getting cooler the day I go for a dip in the pool? Also, why is it impossible to keep water out of my goggles!? Any suggestions? After every lap, I had to dump the couple drops of water out of them. So frustrating!

I also did some more squats, ab, and arm exercises when I got home, which seemed to be much easier the second go-round. I am really starting to get into these little bedroom floor and chair workouts!

Sore and achey rating today on a a scale of1-10: I'll say 2. Yesterday was about a 7. So, feeling much better!


  1. hey rachel! i'm so impressed at both the blogging and (even more so) the marathon training!

    as for the goggles issue: some goggles just suck. but assuming these are salvageable, one thing that helps is making sure the strap goes around you head pretty high up. like right above where you'd have a perky ponytail.

    also, were the goggles leaking from around your eyes, or is the seal between the padding and the plastic shot? if it's the first one, keep messing with them, there's hope. if it's the second, go buy new goggles.

    i don't know if that will help, but there you go. i tried to go swimming with danny yesterday but his goggles leaked and he got sad about how crowded it was. so i swam and he took a nap on the deck. :)

  2. Hey! Thank you! I'm pretty sure they were just leaking from around my eyes, so I will try putting the strap higher up. Taking a nap is an interesting alternative to swimming lol.
