Friday, November 20, 2009

Feng shui is everything!

I felt very out of sorts last night working out in a tiny apartment complex gym with 5 machines and one TV. The treadmill was so small that I had to hold on so I wouldn't fall off. After 20 minutes of that, I got really annoyed and moved to the bike which was much much better. I could also see the finale of Project Runway much better from that seat than the treadmill. Stupid poorly designed, non-feng shui gym.

Oh well, at least I got a work out in before shoving my face with newly discovered key lime pie publix frozen yogurt...mmmm. Have a fabulous weekend, everyone!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Yay for pictures, sprinting and fundraising!

First of all, I am so excited to have all the pictures from the race! They came out great and I love the action shots.

Secondly, yesterday I basically sprinted 2 miles, jogged, then sprinted up and down the street about 6 times. Yay for sprinting :/

Finally, I am thrilled that I have raised over $500 for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. But, being that I'm trying to raise $5000 by January 31st, I need some fundraising ideas and help! Thoughts? Ideas? Experience?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Back on the wagon

My first day of training after my half marathon was actually not torturous at all. It was great. I was on the eliptical, working pretty hard, for 40 minutes. So, I am right back on the wagon and the marathon training continues. Yippeee!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just like that!

It all started at 3:45 am when I pulled my sleepy self out of my bed. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a hearty bowl of cereal and grabbed a banana. Still pitch black outside, I relied on jumping jax and stretching to get my muscles loose. I was feeling good and had gotten enough rest.

5:00 am rolls around and my parents scoop me up from the apartment. We're on our way to the beach and I've got gatorade and shot bloks in hand. We get down there and head to the start line. 6:13 am...we're off!

We start at 17th st. near Las Olas. Weather is gorgeous. Route is awesome. I'm energized and feeling sensational. Miles 1, 2, 3, 4 under tunnels, over bridges. Then we make our way to A1A and run all the way to Oakland Blvd and pass it! Turn around point finally comes! Miles 8, 9, 10 were tough but we breeze through them. Before we know it, there's the finish line and we zoom through it! Just like that, we successfully finished our half marathon in 2 hours 9 minutes 54 seconds.

Every challenging goal seems almost impossible at first. But then you realize, you are capable of amost anything if you throw yourself into it wholeheartedly :)

Thank you, everyone, for all the congrats! And now, only 2.5 months until I will have reached my ultimate goal...running 26.2 miles and raising $5,000.