Monday, December 7, 2009

What a weekend!

This weekend was about the busiest weekend I've had in years. Check it out:

-9:00 pm - Cousin Jeff and girlfriend Jessica arrive from NY
-7:30 am - wake up for work
-8:00 pm - Holiday party
-11:30 pm - bed
-5:30 am - wake up to run 15.5 miles with dad
-12:15 pm - go watch the Gator game at Old key Lime House in West Palm
-8:30 pm - meet family for dinner at Cheesecake Factory
-11:00 pm - bed
-8:45 am - wake up at to go to parents' house
-11:00 am - go to Dolphins game
-5:30 pm - parents house for dinner
-10:00 pm - bed

Good news is that I ran 15.5 miles and the Dolphins won. Bad news is that I think I have a bone spur in my heel or may even have plantar fasciitis. Shit shit shit. I'm going to a sports medicine podiatrist tomorrow morning to have it checked out.

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