Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Help cure Crohn's and Colitis!

Dear Friends,

Since August of last year, I have been running with my dad to train for my first half marathon, followed by my first marathon and now, my second half marathon. I’m sure you’re wondering, “Why is Rachel telling me this?” Well, a few months into my training, I decided that I was going to run for a cause, and now I'm asking for your help.

In 2006, my brother Daniel was diagnosed with Crohn's disease, an auto-immune disease that attacks the digestive system, causing severe abdominal pain and intestinal complications; there is currently no cure for Crohn's. I am running to raise awareness for Crohn's and to help raise money for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA). By funding research, CCFA aims to find a cure for this terrible disease that affects 1.4 million Americans and their families.

To honor my brother, I am traveling to Napa Valley this summer to run a half marathon. My goal in running the race on July 18th is to raise $4,000 for CCFA in hopes of finding a cure for Crohn's. I am hopeful that by reaching out to you, I will come a little bit closer to achieving my goal. I appreciate you taking the time to read my letter, and my family and I are grateful for a donation of any amount. To donate online, simply visit

Warm regards,
Rachel Kramer

P.S. – You can follow me at to keep up-to-date with my fundraising efforts and marathon training!

"There is an underappreciated truth about disease: it will harm you even if you never get it. Disease reverberates outward, and if the illness gets big enough it brushes everyone."
- N.R.Kleinfield

Monday, May 10, 2010

Early to rise, early to run!

So, on Saturday I woke up at 5...yes, I mean AM!! I got out to Hollywood Beach around 6, and I finally left the start line for my 5k at 7 am. I'm proud to announce that my time was 25:44, but because they did a staggered start, and the walkers all started way before the runners, I have no idea how I actually placed. I am sure I didn't in first, second or third overall, because I saw three guys pass me. However, I'd be willing to bet that I came in second or third of all the girls.

Good experince...but I think I will stick with running long distances on weekends, because waking up that early after a night out just for 3.1 miles seems kinda silly. I did get to see the gorgeous sunrise, though!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Back to business...seriously this time

Alright, so the last time I ran a good, fast 4 miles was October 15th, and I clocked in at 33 minutes. Yesterday, I pretty much assumed that my "fast" 4 mile run would be much slower than that because I've been slacking a bit. But, surprisingly...I clocked in at 33:15!! I probably owe this speedy time to Coach Bob fo showing me how to improve my running form and move faster by taking wider strides. I was so excited that if I wasn't dying, I would have done a dance.

I feel pretty sure that I can come in at around 24 mins for my 5k (at 6am!!) this Saturday. It's funny how three miles now feels like a walk in the park to me. I mean even 8-10 miles seems pretty inconsequential once you've run a torturous 26. That's all for now, I'll report back after the 5k. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Well Hello Again!

After a long and dreadful week of not working out, due to a case of pharyngitis (an infection of the pahrynx), I finally got my butt out of the house and went for a run. It was short for me..but it was still a run!

Lately I have been taking it easy during this lull I have between races. My half marathon isn't until July 18th, so I plan to start getting serious again with my training around mid-May. Two months should be ample time for training, especially considering that I've been doing some 8-10 mile runs on the weekends. I feel like the half marathon is going to be extrmemely easy compared to my marathon back in January. I'm not worried, really, and I just want to enjoy my run and keep up with my future sister-in-law, who will be running with me to raise money for CCFA!

I have started fundraising again, and like last time, it's a slow go in the beginning. But I'm 10% of the way to reaching my goal! I'm looking forward to seeing what happens and seeing how much I can raise!

That's all for now!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hi there, mom and dad! Yes, I ran here!

Here is my way of dealing with a bad day.

Friday was a really crappy day for me, and I woke up Saturday morning, of course, feeling crappy! I got up at 8 am and couldn't get myself motivated to do anything until 9:30. I threw my running clothes on and got my lazy butt out the door to run a couple miles.

When I came to Pine Island Rd., where I usually make a right, I decided that I would go left...just because. Then, I decided...I'm gonna run to my parents' house because I've always wanted to, but never actually did it. Immediately, a few (pretty big) problems came to mind.
  1. I have no water on me or planted along the course.
  2. I have no shot bloks with me.
  3. I have no idea how far it is to my parents' house (could be 7 miles, could be 15 miles?)
  4. What if my parents aren't home if/when I finally get there!?

Ok, so whatever...I think I can deal with all these problems by (1) drinking out of a lake(!?!), (2)not replenishing my nutrients, (3)assuming that I can make it any distance, and (4)calling my parents when I'm somewhere near the house to tell them that if they aren't home...they need to hurry up and get home since I didn't bring a key!

Well, along the way, I end up making friends with a woman who is traning for a half marathon who happens to know my dad! (wtf!,small world!) AND, she lets me have some of her water!!

I FINALLY reach the Publix on the corner of Volunteer and Griffin and call my house from a phone the nice cashier let me use, even though I'm sure she thought I was nuts. They were home!!! So, I ran the last mile to the house and suprised them by showing up on foot.

Turns out, my run was 8.5 miles. So, what did I gain from this riduiculous adventure?

I gained a friend (and potential new running buddy), found my adventurous side, found a great new paved running path along a nice canal, and I realized the unknown isnt that scary and everything will be fine no matter how much you're freaking out.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Back on the saddle again!

After 10 days of no running, I finally hit the pavement again last night... in spite of the fact that my last run was..well...pure torture.

I can't believe I'm saying this...but it felt good to be out there running again. I think it has just become clear to me that running is a very bgi part of my life. And just like a boyfriend...I will be mad at it sometimes, angry with it, saddened by it, and even be in pain from it...but eventually, we will make up and everything will be back to normal. I'll grab my running shoes out from the back of my closet again and I'll take the the street so tha I can feel that wonderful wind whip across my face.

And..there will always be a goal. This time's Napa in the summertime. A 13.1 mile race through the vineyards of California. Piece of cake! Anyone wanna join?

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Official Post-Marathon Report

I can sum up my marathon with a single word: "Ouch"

All runners know that some days are "on" days, and some days are "off" days. There is not usually any reasoning behind the kind of day you're having, it just happens. I have no clue why, but Sunday was definitely an off day for me.

Due to yesterday being an off day, all of the 26.2 miles were extremely difficult, not because I was tired, not because I was hot, but simply because my legs were causing me tremendous pain. Starting around mile 6 or 7, my legs began to really hurt. It got progressively worse as I continued. Because it was so bad, my dad kept trying to get me to finish at the half marathon finish line, but I kept telling him I wouldn’t stop.

At around mile 18, he tried to get me to stop again. He said his friend would be there cheering us on from the sidelines and could take care of me…but I said no once again. I kept saying "Dad, stopping is not an option!" Miles 21 and 22 were torturous and my legs felt awful. I somehow managed to hit mile 25, and from there I was able to run the 1.2 miles to the finish! We came in at just over 5 hours 30 minutes.

To tell you the truth, If I didn’t have so many people supporting me, and I hadn’t fundraised for CCFA and had so many people donate, I know I would never have finished the race. I just kept thinking what a letdown it would be, not only myself, but to all my supporters, if I didn’t finish. I also kept thinking "If I don't finish this race, will I have the willpower and energy to continue training and try my luck at another marathon?" And I just wasn't confident that I could put myself through this again anytime soon.

During the race, encouragement also came in the form of a few people watching the race who were holding up signs that said “Pain is temporary. Pride is forever.” That helped me a lot, helped me more than you can imagine. It really hit home with me.

Anyway, I am ecstatic and relieved that I actually finished. Continuing to run was a very tough decision because of the amount of pain I was experiencing. At some points, around miles 21-25, I literally had to hold on to my dad for support. Every time I started running again after I had been walking, it was a struggle to get my legs to move faster since I was even in immense pain when I was just walking.

In the end, I am so happy that I ran through all the pain. And, surprisingly, my dad and I still managed to finish with a decent time and came in ahead of over 400 runners! (I have no idea how that happened!)