Friday, May 7, 2010

Back to business...seriously this time

Alright, so the last time I ran a good, fast 4 miles was October 15th, and I clocked in at 33 minutes. Yesterday, I pretty much assumed that my "fast" 4 mile run would be much slower than that because I've been slacking a bit. But, surprisingly...I clocked in at 33:15!! I probably owe this speedy time to Coach Bob fo showing me how to improve my running form and move faster by taking wider strides. I was so excited that if I wasn't dying, I would have done a dance.

I feel pretty sure that I can come in at around 24 mins for my 5k (at 6am!!) this Saturday. It's funny how three miles now feels like a walk in the park to me. I mean even 8-10 miles seems pretty inconsequential once you've run a torturous 26. That's all for now, I'll report back after the 5k. Have a great weekend!

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