Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Pleased to announce...

I am very pleased to announce that I can now run 2 miles in 15 minutes! This is especially significant to me because when I was playing soccer in 10th grade (and was in the best shape of my life), we had to run 2 miles in under 15 mins. I was able to run it in about 14:30 and beat every other girl on both Varisty and JV. So, if I cut down my 2 mile time by only 30 teensy little seconds, I will officially be as in shape as I was 6 years ago! Except now, I not only can run fast, but I can also run far! :)

Oh and by the way, I just found out about http://www.mapmyrun.com, an awesome site that lets you plot your running (or walking) route and measure the exact distance. It's great for measuring routes you've run and also for finding new routes. Check it out!

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