Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Running into problems

I excitedly rushed home from work yesterday so I could start my 10 mile run early enough so that it wouldn't be dark before I finished. Mission almost successful, but not quite. I got all ready to go, left my place, and I was off with a bang. It was gorgeous weather for a nice long run. I felt great running mile 1...2...3...4...5. Mile 6...not so awesome. My joints (particularly knees and hips) hated me, but I of course ran through it and mile 7 was a lot easier. I knew I'd be able to finish at this point, and thats exactly what I did. I even sprinted a bit a the end of the 10 miles! It was dark out, but I survived without getting attacked by some scary man in the bushes.

The next part of my story isn't so great. Pretty much from the moment I got home from my run, I was in pain. Knees, hips, quads, toenails (weird, I know), and worst of all...stomach. Talk about lactic acid...my stomach was in knots, and it still is this morning. I guess sometimes you just have to accept that running such long distances can really screw up the body's systems. And, yes, I have accepted it. But yesterday was the first time I understood exactly what that meant.

Hoping for better after effects of my 11 mile run this Sunday...


  1. Have you ever tried using ShotBloks or taking a water bottle of half gatorade/half water with you on runs? Those always did the trick for my stomach issues!

  2. Maybe I'll try the shot bloks, because I do drink gatorade and water during my runs. Do you know where I can find them? Did you eat them before, after, or during your runs?

    PS - Thanks for the tip!

  3. seee this is why i do not run more than 3 miles... ever... toenails hurting? oy vey is right! HOWEVER....go you! xoxo

  4. I bought them at a couple of different running stores around DC, I'm sure they have them at Sports Authority or Track Shack in Orlando.

    It took me awhile to figure out when my body needed them (to keep me from puking 30 mins post-run). My ideal timing was 1 blok 45 mins into a run, and then 1 every half an hour after that. You definitely need water or fluid when you take them though, but don't overdo it or you'll end up having to pee! I love the CranRazz bloks and my friend Erika swears by the Orange ones (though they have a bit of caffiene).

    One word of advice on them -- definitely bite off bits of them (as opposed to tossing the whole blok in your mouth) because there is nothing worse than running and not being able to breathe while gumming through the thing! haha.
