Thursday, January 28, 2010

Marathon Countdown: 3 days!

So, yesterday it was a mad rush to run 2 miles before I had to run out the door to meet my parents for dinner at 7:30, and I got home from work at 6!

It's funny, because a year ago, I would have just skipped my run. Now, no matter what I have on my plate, I somehow manage to get 5 days of running or cross training in each week. Of the 26 weeks I've been training, I think maybe only 3 of those weeks did I work out 4 days, rather than 5. And that was either due to my plantar fasciitis or the damn air conditioning guy working on our air for about 2 weeks.

It's truly amazing what you can do when you have a clear goal in mind. I can't wait to finish my marathon in a couple days and be able to say I successfuly completed my goal.

On another note, thank you so much for everyone whol has helped me raise over $1,000 for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. Saturday is the last day to donate and I'm hoping to raise even more by then!

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