Monday, January 4, 2010

I rang in 2010 with a 20 mile run!

First of all, Happy New Year to everyone! My new year's a marathon :)

So, Thursday morning, I ran a pathetic 8 miles to make up for the previous Sunday's run which was a fail. Why was Thursday's 8 miles pathetic? Because I was really hot out and I was not in the mood to run it. At least I finished it, though.

Ok, on to bigger and better completing a 20 mile run with my dad. We ran two 10-mile loops, and after the first loop I was wishing we were done. About 15 miles (or 3 hours) in, I was getting bored. I mean, come on, doing the same thing for 3 straight hours gets kinda repetitive. Not to mention that my legs felt terrible...knees, feet, hips, quads. The only thing that kept me from passing out was the fact that it was about 45 degrees outside, rather than the 75 degree weather I usually run in. After 20 miles, I didn't have a drop of sweat on me. I suppose freezing my butt off is much better than sweating my ass off.

I'm just glad the 20 is over. I have one month until the marathon and no more super long runs before then. I have a 10, an 8 and a 6, and then it's the big 26.2 on Jan. 31st!

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